Tanya’s backyard BBQ
-The BBQ is made with a small plastic Champagne glass found at the Dollar Store
- Fence is made from skinny sticks
- Cups are from tops of craft glue.
- Love the illusion of perspective using a picture of the kitchen beyond the French doors into the house.
Doreen shares how she made her roomboxes:
Chris Pecherzewski from Mini-tiques did this BBQ scene.
Mel’s Miniatures: http://snipurl.com/cplri
Those sandwiches sure look good!
Mary Eccher’s Pannikins site has TUTs on making BBQ foods
Red Gingham for tablecloth
Make a picnic basket:
- Picnic Table
- Porch Set
Chris in QS http://snipurl.com/cpj4v
- Umbrella - use a cocktail umbrella
- Chairs, Lounges – wicker, wood, plastic
Wheelbarrow Planter:
- Gardening gloves
- Rubber Boots
- Gardening Hat
- Rake, hoe, shovel
Try this painting rust tut:
- Garden hose
- Printies – links for fertilizer packets, soil
- Plants, landscaping, flowers
- Chris in Canada: http://snipurl.com/cpj4v
- Plant in a seashell, lantern
Jo in Ga: http://snipurl.com/cpk41
Her album includes making boulders, planters
Doreen Playter made some masking tape plants
Check this site out –Granny Maude’s wonderful garden and potting shed
Here is a trellis tutorial
Clematis Vine
Also, don’t forget to search Google images!
Maybe this will give you a few ideas for landscaping:.
Plant pots
Plant trays
Watering can - $store find painted silver
Chris from Canada sent these directions for a modern and a push mower.
The deck is a hollow box 1.5"x1.5"x1/ 3" constructed of thin wood (basswood?) with the edges and corners rounded off by sanding, and painted with orange enamel. The motor casing is a toothpaste cap painted shiny black and glued to the centre of the deck. You can even glue on a mini Mastercraft logo.
Push mower, non-turning wheels:
If a 'lookie-lookie' mower is OK, here's how. Make the cutter assembly from two 1/2" wooden discs for the ends, 4" pieces of round toothpicks as the center axle and the three guards, plus 4 strips of heavy foil shaped into cutting blades. (Google for 'push reel mower' images to see how blades are shaped.) Glue that all together, then glue a small flattish bead to the middle of each end, followed by wheels from a toy car. (Just the wheel itself is used as it will be stationary.) Fashion a roller from a medium paper clip with some short black tube beads threaded on and glue the trimmed ends into small pilot holes made on the edges of the end discs. Two medium paper clips would do for the handle assembly, which looks like the letter 'T' with the clips superglued together for most of the length, splitting apart to form an upside down "Y" before the ends are glued to the cutter assembly. Make sure the roller is touching the work surface before you attach the handle assembly, and that the handle is positioned at a realistic angle for use.
Flooring, pathways, paving:
Egg carton brick path
Stone Base Vignette by Tracy Topps: