Golf tees make great hat stands. Turn them on end and stick a wooden bead on top.
You can also make a Fimo sculpture instead of the bead. Paint to resemble wood.
Janice wrote:
I've added a few photos of my beach house. As you can see, it still
needs A LOT of work, but that's the fun of doing minis, isn't it?
Most of the furniture is from the clearance bins at AC Moore, it's
not what I had in mind for the house but for $3.00 and $4.00 it was
too good to pass up. The bedroom furniture will at some point be
repainted to cover the rather scary looking cat faces but I liked
the shape of the furniture, including the dresser and nightstand
which both have nice opening drawers. The light fixture currently
on the floor on the first floor is also a clearance bin find from AC
Moore. The house still needs to be wired. The floor is my first
attempt at a wood floor from skinny sticks. I learned quite a bit
in making it, including not to pick up an open bag of sticks from
the wrong end. As soon as I buy an easy cutter I'm going to redo
the floor since another important lesson learned was to check the
sticks for warping before gluing them. The second floor will also
have a wood floor, as well as walls covered with more than just
With all the cold and snow we've been having it's nice to be able to
pretend one can feel the sun and warm breezes.
March - progress on the beach house. It now has lights, a new
floor on the first floor (have to redo the one on the 2nd floor) and
some new furniture. Still needs more work.
The wooden blinds are a window shade sample from Lowe's. I paid about
50 cents for it a couple of years ago. It's been quite some time since
I've been back to Lowe's, hopefully they still carry the samples.
The wicker furniture is a great find from a small mini show last weekend.
It's actually resin but looks so real.
I think it's from Town Square Miniatures but unfortunately
the packaging is now long gone.
I did make the mermaid. She's crocheted from quilting
thread and a 0.4mm lace hook, as is the flamingo.
The swim flippers are purchased, part of a snorkel set "By Barb." I
bought them, got home and looked at the set with my first reaction
being "I paid ... for this?" I could have MADE it! but then reality set
in, they were cheap and I'd probably still have the rubber stuck to my
Love the bikini top hanging from the drawer knob.
The palm tree is from a swap on Littleroomers.
Acorn caps make nice individual salad dishes.
Fill with snipped greens cut from plastic Christmas decorations,
add tiny red bits for tomato and drizzle with clear nail polish
to hold it together.
Cut slices of a white straw for onions.
For potato chips -- dry the seeds from green peppers.
To make chip dip - mix white glue with baking soda till it holds
its shape in the bowl, swirl the top a bit and sprinkle with a
bit of crushed dried parsley.
She says: "It is a lovely hand-made representation one corner of the style of home one sees
in the Camaguey area of Cuba, complete with one of the clay jars they used to use to
collect rainwater before water began to be piped in to this arid region.
The maker is an older woman named Minerva whose husband makes wood items for the tourist trade, and she uses his
wood scraps as well as anything else she can scrounge to make her scenes. Does this
sound familiar to anyone? :-D"
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