Garage sales have started agian, but so far pretty slim pickings for the crafter. However, I did come across a stocking stuffer package from Lee Valley. They have such tricky tools, and this assortment meant was a gem. All of this magic for a buck!
Can't go wrong with the surgical scrubbers, to clean painty hands, scrub vegetables or remove stubborn stains from clothes before laundering!
Must admit I had to refer to the printout to see how the pocket screwdrivers were used - how do people think of such handy- dandy items!
The spring shears are always a welcome addition to the sewing box, and the pocket magnifier went straight into hubby's wallet.
Next, I spied a little bedroom set (perhaps by Avon?) which would make a charming roombox.
What about these 2 for my Santa's workshop?
And how could I pass. Up this charming alpine style roombox? As if I don't have enough unfinished projects in my stash!
Such a Deal! Mystery Crime Fiction Ebook Sale!
7 hours ago