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Wee Creations Yahoo Group by Sarah and Adam:
Most of you know that my brother Adam and I rescued a doll house that was going into the trash and we are trying to fix it and mom said it would be OK to show pics of the first room so you can see how it's coming along. The pics are of the dining room.
The hutch was made by Linda from a swap she had with my g-ma a while back.
The floor cover and table cloth are from another swap but I can't remember who made it. The three plates above the hutch are from a scrapbook section.
The picture on the wall Adam painted it. We both love to pain and so do mom and g-ma and my little brother Alex likes to scribble too so we might showcase one or more of his masterpieces in one of the rooms also. He is so cute!
The hanging lamp is from a living room fan chain g-ma had saved and a finding for the base.
The curtains are pieces of lace I put together. I will be gathering the curtains up in the center and adding a little bow or something to them on there.
The decoration on the stairs side Adam and I made.
The hanging plates were a gift from a friend in Greece.
Thank you Lia.The cake on the table was made using a small water bottle top and puff paints. It is on a button plate with a doily cut from a regular size larger one.

The table and chairs were just a lucky find because it was the only one left and they were hidden way back on a shelf. G-ma found it because she moved some other things out the way and looked behind the boxes.
Since we love Christmas we want to have a little bit of Christmas here and there throughout the house so you will see more touches of Christmas.
The other pic is of Linda Grady's hutch. We love this hutch and since we are making the dining room with a Christmas theme we thought it would look great in there and it does. We love the Poinsettia above the hutch also.
Thank you Linda.
Thanks to everyone who swaps with g-ma because we have such pretty things for the dining room now. We learn so much from all who share tutorials, ideas and tips and we love TTT also.

Happy House painted

Inside papered